Traffic Management for Construction Projects
This article aims to summarise the requirements for traffic management, planning and training in construction projects with a focus on roadways.
This article aims to summarise the requirements for traffic management, planning and training in construction projects with a focus on roadways.
When RKBC meets its customers, the first questions a customer asks is: What is the process for obtaining certification and how long will it take? This article aims to explain this process and explain why the time it takes is very difficult to quote for and why a consultant who provides a definitive timeline should not be trusted.
Management Systems authoring is not difficult, but it is time consuming. The following rules are to help you get it right first time and avoid some of the unnecessary time that so many previous system administrators have spent. Only document in your management system: knowledge you need to retain for Read more…
Management System Standards expect you to prioritise your risks and opportunities, but how do you align risk and opportunity. How do you decide when to prioritise a opportunity over a risk? This article aims to provide a methodology for doing just that.
Despite there being little commitment to actually state it, ISO 45001 adopted by Australia in March 2018, will replace AS 4801. There seems to be a mixed message about how likely AS 4801’s withdrawal is. It will happen and we believe it will happen around 2021. This is because 2021 Read more…
As a consultant I’ve heard the phrase “They’re more likely to listen to you than us” from more business managers than I care to count. This article will explore some of the reasons why workers don’t listen to management.
Worksafe NSW (formerly WorkCover) is currently targeting companies operating forklift trucks in an effort to reduce the accidents and fatalities which have resulted from the use of forklifts. The initiative is one of the high risk programmes being targeted under the new RoadMap launched in August 2016. Worksafe NSW are hoping to assist companies meet their legal obligations and offer practical advice on how to keep people safe around operating forklift trucks. As such Worksafe NSW are using a checklist for discussion purposes and a copy is available in this post.
Simple guidance for Managing your Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). Read article
This post explains the difference between a mission, primary objectives, a secondary objectives, targets and goals in simple, easily remembered terms.
Read articleManagement System procedures are not complex, but if you have little experience in writing them or want to improve ones already written then this should help you. Read article